Bot Gaiden
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:19:36

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Bot Gaiden

Not for the faint of heart, Bot Gaiden is all ACTION, EXECUTION, AND SPEED. Ninja robots Robyu and Bytron race to recover the power skulls that have been stolen by each of Giorqio's 6 Hench-bots. Slicing everything in their path, they must reach their destination quickly. The Hench-bots grow stronger with time and exposure to the skulls.

The faster you go, the easier the fight. However, going faster means putting yourself in harm's way. You'll break out in a cold sweat trying to figure out the most efficient path through each stage.

Designed to be shared, no matter what the skill mismatch might be. Got a child that's just learning? Team up. Got a buddy that just sucks at action games? Bring 'em on! You can teleport to your partner at any time: lagging players can instantly catch up, and experienced players can lend a helping hand, instantly. Speaking of catching up, the trailing player is automatically equipped with additional recovery speed. No more bad old days. No fighting over skill gears either: when one player picks one up, both are equipped! Become a tag team terror with BotSwat, which sends your partner flying across the screen in an invincible fireball!

Momentum is key. Keeping skill gears leads to speed boosts (you lose skill gears when you take damage). Fast finishes enable upgrades. Upgrades enable faster finishes. Bronze and Silver rewards give you the edge to break through the Gold clear time and earn things like Triple Jump, Super Drill, Glider Bombs, and more! Plot your chain of attack accordingly.

- Challenging gameplay
- Casual, Normal, Hardcore, and Ludicrous difficulty settings
- Single-hit kills
- No hidden areas - concentrate on the action
- Beat the bosses and earn their rewards in any order
- Earn gold rewards to survive the endgame gauntlet
- Unlockables!

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