Remorse: The List
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:20:07

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Remorse: The List

Remorse: The List is a classic survival horror game where the player must figure out what is happening in the little hungarian town of Hidegpuszta, and your only clue is a list that doesn't make much sense. Exploring every nook and cranny of this place will be the key to unveiling its secrets and get out of there alive.
Explore a large and expansive world filled with unimaginable horrors as you defend yourself with scarce options available. Manage your resources carefully with the limited size of your inventory and take advantage of every thing at your disposal to survive.

- Large inconnected parts of a small, suburban hungarian town with creepy streets, parks and old, abandoned buildings.
- Open gameplay where you decide the order in which you unfold the secrets of the list.
- Inventory management with single and double slot items of many types like weapons, first aid kits, ammo and puzzle items.
- Combat variety with fire and melee weapons.
- In-depth story which expands upon itself with video tapes and voice recordings amongst others.

* The game is ready for ultrawide monitors.

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