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Yaengard is a turn-based party RPG, inspired by classic TTRPG's such as Dungeons & Dragons. In Yaengard, the personalities of your adventurers change everything -- from their powers to the choices they can make. Design your builds and combos with the endless rare items you find, the classes you’ll embody, and the personalities you gain!

- From peasants to heroes
- Shape their personalities through the choices you make
- Find and use hundreds and hundreds of rare powers & items
- Design complex combos & the ultimate builds
- Strategic & complex combats - without hassle
- Explore the narrative; world, lore, & storytelling
- Roguelike-inspired gameplay - unique builds each time!
Core Features
- The Trait System - Your decisions change who you are, unlocking new powers. Who will you become before the end of your journey?
- Builds & Combos - Design your own style, and prove it unstoppable! Endless build options and party combinations with personality traits, rare weapons, powerful trinkets, and anything else you’ll encounter in your journey.
- Replayability - Try over and over, for each attempt is different from the last! Massive variety with hundreds and hundreds of armors, weapons, classes, perks, locations, and encounters.
- Storytelling - Follow the story of the fall of the Aatanic empire and the unlikely rise of adventurers, with a rich world to discover, colorful characters to meet, and difficult choices to make.
- Impactful Choices - Select your own way to Yaengard; will you take fatal risks, or will you walk the safe but slow way around? Your decisions will be everything.
- Classic Tabletop RPG-style gameplay - Travel, encounters, and dialogue choices with real rewards and consequences.

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