Hellfire 1988: An Oregon Story
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:30:01

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Hellfire 1988: An Oregon Story
What to Expect
Hellfire 1988: An Oregon Story is a story-rich visual novel set in Bend, Oregon during the Halloween of 1988. Hellfire 1988 is a darkly comic crime story with engaging interactive dialogue, point-and-click exploration, and exciting mini-games that combine to give players an immersive experience of 1980s America. Featuring a 30,000 word interactive script, hundreds of realistic story choices, trenchant dark humor, challenging puzzles, and a thrilling hard rock soundtrack, Hellfire 1988 is one of the first indie games to be made with Unreal Engine 5 and has an expected play time of about 2 to 4 hours. Available in English and Spanish.

A Glimpse Into the Past From the Future
Jennifer Craft is a seventeen-year-old slacker and metalhead living in the conservative logging town of Bend, Oregon. When a shocking crime confirms the townsfolk's worst suspicions about Jennifer, she must race against time to clear her name and save her loved ones.

New with Version 1.0.2:
- Added all new SPANISH translation provided by David "Gilded Z" Vasquez!
- Added music volume slider on main menu
- Added the actual verse in the hacking puzzle
- Performance improvements
New with Version 1.0.1:
- Added option to play just as Visual Novel without puzzles and point-and-click levels
- Keep cursor visible throughout dialogues for easier access to save menu
- Graphical performance optimizations
- Fixed bug where game sometimes wouldn’t recall last choice point if Jennifer goes to jail
- Removed graphic debug messages that pop up on some systems during point-and-click levels
- Fixed typo in dialogue
- Improved in-game menu visibility and added version indicator

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