Get-A-Grip Chip and the Body Bugs
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:30:52

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Get-A-Grip Chip and the Body Bugs
Re-master the hook with Get-A-Grip Chip and the Body Bugs
Unblock the human body’s digestive system and defeat the Body Bugs with Get-A-Grip Chip, a synthetic white blood cell, and his trusty white blood cell pals. When piloting Chip, you can’t jump, but you can sail over pits of bodily fluids, battle the Body Bugs invading your insides, and unlock the knowledge hidden in the body’s white blood cells that Chip needs to get things flowing again!With a meticulously designed world, new gameplay, and new characters, Get-A-Grip Chip and the Body Bugs is sure to swallow you up! Activate the body’s white blood cells, defeat the Body Bugs, and race your friends (or rivals) for the top spots on the arcade style leaderboards.
Fun to Master — Even More Fun to Learn
Chip still moves side-to-side, grapples to anchor points, and then launches off of them – in addition, Chip learns! To clean out the insides, Chip must build understanding on the escalating complexity of the digestive system’s parts and functions. You’ll build a truly masterful degree of knowledge and dexterity through the digestive system.Scoop Out Secret Cells
Survive the onslaught of obstacles and you’ll be rewarded with nuggets of neurons and walloping white blood cells to get the digestive system flowing again. The more cells you seek, the sooner they’ll unlock new levels, bringing Chip closer to the ultimate goal: re-opening the digestive system and sploosh!Take Over the Leaderboards
Compete with your friends to take over the game’s arcade-style leaderboards! Hook, launch, and dodge your way through all twelve areas of the digestive system to get your initials on the top times of each leaderboard.Key Features:
- Escape a gauntlet of high-flying and fast-moving digestive obstacles
- Defeat the Body Bugs invading the mouth, the stomach and the intestines
- Soar through the gastrointestinal tract across 12 levels of grappling mayhem
- Explore hidden areas and rescue all your cellular friends
- Race to the top spot on arcade style leaderboards

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