


首页 > 破解游戏 > STOLEN CITY
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:38:58
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You need to survive in a city that has been captured by looters and gangs of murderous criminals
- a huge city is created on the new Unreal Engine 5 engine, which provides high image quality and high drawing range without loss of performance
You appear at a random point on the outskirts of the city in the form of a homeless
person - at your disposal is a first-level character who needs to survive and who needs to be pumped
The character has an RPG system
- health, energy, food level and water level
- by being active in the game world, you will receive experience points, for which you will pump the characteristics of the character:
- health (maximum health points)
- armor (absorbs a certain amount of damage)
- damage (increases character damage)
- critical hit chance and critical damage (increases character damage)
- portable weight (how much can a character carry)
- energy (spent when the character performs certain actions, such as jumping, chopping trees or mining ore)
- 12 different perks that also affect various character skills, such as increasing the speed of chopping trees, increasing melee weapon damage, increasing ranged weapon damage, increasing inventory cells, and others
Character customization
- find different skins for your character with different increases in characteristics
- find or craft armor for a character
- craft or find weapons
Your task is to survive in the city among aggressive NPCs of different levels and different weapons and among other players
- you will need to search houses, fight with NPCs and players for resources
- the closer to the city center, the stronger and more dangerous the NPCs are, but their loot is also more valuable
Build a base
- build yourself a safe house where you will store loot and where your character will sleep when you exit the game
Choose your favorite weapon
- there are dozens of weapons in the game, both melee and ranged
Fight with other players
- open PVP in the game, hunt down and hunt other players, destroy their houses and take loot