GUILT: The Deathless
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:40:49

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GUILT: The Deathless

- Guilt is a roguelike action-RPG adventure set in a persistent world all players affect
(Note: Does NOT require internet to play) - Beware your guilt: the less guilty you are, the longer you may survive
- Unlock shortcuts, share loot and build altars – to help (or hinder) others
- Explore a non-linear world map and procedurally-generated levels, across multiple twisted landscapes
- Unravel a dark fantasy tale inspired by Slavic folklore
- Tread carefully: your character can die permanently, but the impact you and other players make on the world will remain

BEG FOR FORGIVENESS: Challenging freeform combat
- Brutal but balanced real-time combat that will put your skills to the test
- Slice, dodge and manage stamina as you slay foes small and large
- Equip your character with an endless array of powerful weapons, armors, spells and enchantments
SHARE THE REALM: A lonely path – not a lonely world
- Your journey is solitary and unique – but the world is shared with other players
- Contribute to – or steal from – world-changing projects with others
- Uncover signs of others’ passing: loot, corpses, constructions...
- Hunt for your own corpse from past lives – but make haste, or others will beat you to it
- Traverse varied territories, from a sea of shipwrecks to an underground library
WALK THE TRAIL: A dark and violent tale
- A rich fantasy adventure through a dark and twisted world inspired by Slavic folklore
- After a world-ruining disaster, the great sorcerer Koschei locks you into a dark pact to save the realm. Will you heed his every command?
- Encounter twisted, enigmatic characters who might enrich you – or ruin you – on your journey

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