Pinku Kult Hex Mortis
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:41:35

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Pinku Kult Hex Mortis
Welcome to RAZORE CITY – a desolate, grim metropolis with one big problem: DEMONS!

Something strange is happening in the city! Missing persons and bizarre deaths have been increasing at alarming rates and some suspect a mysterious girl seen wearing a fox mask is the cause … but there’s just no proof!
Shōkan Corp need someone expendable – a nobody, like YOU – to investigate these occurrences and get closer to the mysterious girl. They will reward you handsomely for each solved case – and even more if you’re able to pin down the “Girl in the Fox Mask”. Sounds too good to be true? You might be right but it seems strange forces are already at work...
Control your own Razore City denizen as you are tasked by the mysterious Shōkan Corp to investigate the numerous bizarre happenings around the city and track down the mastermind behind it all, in this RPG adventure! Venture through the city, discovering twisted locations whilst levelling up your team of misfits to eventually take on Hell itself!
- Dive into the world of Pinku Kult! Meet a cast of colourful characters and come face to face with terrifying demons.
- Lose yourself in Razore City and the mystery of the Girl in the Fox Mask. Can you stop her before it’s too late?
- Make your way through perilous dungeons and haunted mansions, taking down vicious enemies and solving intricate puzzles.
- Saving Razore City is no simple task! Prepare yourself to take on formidable foes in fierce boss battles.
- Level-up your band of outcasts and engage in old school, turn-based RPG combat.
- Beautiful illustrations and unique, original characters.


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