Hacker Man
发布时间:2025-02-26 03:44:48

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Hacker Man

In Hacker Man you will experience a story of action, invasion and hacking.
The game takes place in a company close to a city, where you can explore the entire area and you have to fulfill some objectives to complete it. You will have a medium-range weapon and a pistol as work tools, in addition to your hacking expertise. You will have to face an area full of security.
You will control Joe, in first person and you will have to do some tasks to break into the lab, look for the correct notebook to hack, and shut down the lab's servers, all this with a lot of action, since the lab will be full of security guards, making it possible for you to complete your objective with stealth, without drawing too much attention. Enter the lab, do what must be done, and get out safely.
The game experience provides a mix of strategy with a little suspense and action.

Joe, an experienced programmer at a reputable technology company, is fired by a director of the company, after having a romantic relationship with the director's wife. Very angry about the situation, Joe starts studying hacking, to get revenge for his firing, and in return, make some money, stealing the source code of one of the company's main programs.
After a few months, Joe decides to put his plan into action, and breaks into Tech Corp. in order to steal the company's source code. However, this will not be an easy task, as the company has several security guards around, prepared to cease any invasion.
Are you prepared to invade and hack Tech Corp.? So let's go!


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