Apartment Story
发布时间:2025-02-28 21:54:05

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Apartment Story
Apartment Story is a feature-length, single-player, third-person thriller set in a single apartment. You play as Arthur, a person alive in 2023 trying to keep his head above water, when you receive an unexpected call at the door from your old roommate, Diane. She stays, you party, but soon you will meet Blondey and good times turn bad very quickly. Will you participate in a dangerous and dramatic narrative? Or keep the front door closed, eating and masturbating until you’ve shut the world out for good? Whatever you choose, the cold metal of a gun is hidden within the darkness of your apartment somewhere.
- Absorb yourself in a fast-paced, dramatic thriller that centres around 3 distinct personalities which develop as the gun is introduced and stakes are raised.
- You are invited to take an active role in Arthur’s life and welfare through a deep and immersive needs management system. Eat food, pee, wash your hands, sleep, smoke, write, watch TV, shave, change clothes, nap, shower, take drugs, wash the dishes, turn off the lights, drink beer, listen to music, top up your electric, answer the door and shoot someone with a real gun. Engaging in these activities will keep your Life stats up and Arthur poised for the drama coming his way.
- Tidy and organise the objects within your apartment however you desire by picking up any small object and placing them anywhere within reach.
- Real-time night and day cycles.
- This Videogame is a feature-length experience, which means you can grab yourself a drink and complete the game within a single night. Playtime: approximately 90-120 minutes.

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