Notruf 112 - Die Feuerwehr Simulation 2: WLF - Das Wechselladerfahrzeug
发布时间:2025-02-28 21:56:55

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Notruf 112 - Die Feuerwehr Simulation 2: WLF - Das Wechselladerfahrzeug

The add-on ‘WLF - Swap body vehicle’ is the second expansion for Emergency Call 112 - The Fire Fighting Simulation 2 and adds the eponymous vehicle to the player's vehicle fleet.
Different roll-off containers can be attached and transported with the swap body vehicle. This allows additional equipment and material to be brought to the scene.
With the fully playable swap body (WLF). It is a 5-axle vehicle with a loading crane. The vehicle has a length of 9.10 metres, a width of 2.50 metres and a height of 3.90 metres. The technically permissible total mass is 49,000 kg, which is moved by a 427 kW engine.
Various roll-off containers can be semi-mounted on the roll-off tipper. It is controlled by a remote control so that you can position yourself and your character freely.
The loading crane has a maximum outreach of 12.30 metres, at which it can still lift 2,430 kg. The slewing range is 360°. A cable winch with a pulling force of 24.5 kN is also available as an attachment. This is also used for the playable operations. For example, a car has to be rescued or an animal has to be rescued. Four new missions have been added in which the swap body vehicle takes a role in.
- Highly detailed vehicle, with various roll-off containers (not all with mission-relevant function)
- Removable remote controls for the loading crane and the roll-off tipper
- Operable hydraulic dual outriggers
- Usable loading crane and roll-off tipper
- Four new missions in which the Swap Body vehicle is used

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