发布时间:2025-02-28 22:44:09

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You have arrived on a mysterious island with no recollection of how you got here. No matter though, the prioress is expecting you! Chat with her, and the custodians of the island and learn about their stories. Who knows, perhaps you will learn more about yourself and why you're here too!

The challenge is in keeping the islanders happy as well as growing your spirituality in order to truly become a Saint. There are multiple endings depending on your relationships with the islanders and your Faith!
Immerse yourself in a relaxing, meditative world. Find and free the Angel Spirits known as 'Ehi' who will assist you with building upgrades. But be careful, when night descends, mysterious evil spirits known as the 'Shetani' emerge, hungry for your Faith!
You play as a postulant, and your job each day is to carefully balance your time between activities that net you either Charitable Points (CP) or Faith Points (FP).
Provisions are provided daily that you can acquire and upgrade to help your strategy over the course of your adventure.
FP is obtained by praying at any building, or attending to spiritual activities at the Convent. Gather enough FP to unlock stained glass windows of the Saints, with special artwork and biographies of the heroes of the faith!

CP is obtained by helping with building construction, delivering resources to buildings, and volunteering to teach, play with kids at the orphanage, or even deliver babies at the hospital. Save enough money to upgrade buildings, which lets you perform the activities at a quicker pace (time management is key).

The challenge is in keeping the islanders happy as well as growing your spirituality in order to truly become a Saint. There are multiple endings depending on your relationships with the islanders and your Faith!

Immerse yourself in a relaxing, meditative world. Find and free the Angel Spirits known as 'Ehi' who will assist you with building upgrades. But be careful, when night descends, mysterious evil spirits known as the 'Shetani' emerge, hungry for your Faith!
You play as a postulant, and your job each day is to carefully balance your time between activities that net you either Charitable Points (CP) or Faith Points (FP).
Provisions are provided daily that you can acquire and upgrade to help your strategy over the course of your adventure.
FP is obtained by praying at any building, or attending to spiritual activities at the Convent. Gather enough FP to unlock stained glass windows of the Saints, with special artwork and biographies of the heroes of the faith!

CP is obtained by helping with building construction, delivering resources to buildings, and volunteering to teach, play with kids at the orphanage, or even deliver babies at the hospital. Save enough money to upgrade buildings, which lets you perform the activities at a quicker pace (time management is key).
- Immerse yourself in a cozy, meditative world.
- Volunteer for the island's colourful custodians at the likes of the hospital, school and orphanage, while unveiling each of the custodian's unique and sometimes surprising backstories.
- Reveal multiple endings depending on your actions and relationships with Sainthood's cast of curious characters - some better than others.
- Experience the warm sunlight of summer, the crisp air and colorful leaves of fall, and the chill of winter, as you cycle through the island's seasons as if in a miniature snow globe.
- Mix and match dozens of combinations of Provisions such as coffee to increase your energy, utensils to speed up your cooking, and a winter jacket to see you through snow storms.
- Unlock up to 25 stained glass paintings of real saints from around the world. Read their bios and be inspired!
- Enjoy a serene soundtrack inspired by the Gregorian chants of old.

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