420BLAZEIT 2: GAME OF THE YEAR -=Dank Dreams and Goated Memes=- [#wow/11 Like and Subscribe] Poggerz Edition
发布时间:2025-02-28 23:27:33

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420BLAZEIT 2: GAME OF THE YEAR -=Dank Dreams and Goated Memes=- [#wow/11 Like and Subscribe] Poggerz Edition
The illuminati have stolen all the world’s memes! You’re an ex secret-service agent turned to a peaceful life of painting, but now you’re needed one more time to fight back. lets be real its an FPS game that's a sequel to the original you know exactly what to expect why are u still reading this don't let ur memes be dreams
featuring a state of da art creamy meme slider to adjust ur meme levels to your liking. this took a team of 483 developers 7 years to build making this now a AAAAA game get rekt scrubs
Many gr9 moments:
- High-security prison outbreak where you’ll stop along the way to do some laundry
- Speed your convertible through zombie-infested streets because yes you’re a badass but you’re also late for work
- Blow up a helicopter
- Infiltrate Area 51 to stop a world-threatening event planned by the Illuminati
- … aliens
- And more!!!1!!
Headshot with your favs:
- Glock, duh
- Deagle (only if ur cool)
- Golden AK
- Sniper Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Throwable spliff aka doobie aka joint aka blunt
- Gun that shoots bowling balls (becuz f*** it why not)
- AND MORE!!!!
420BLAZEIT 2 will feature a healthy amount of IMAGINARY “consumables” that grant you cool powers so you can truly 420 BLAZE IT 360 NO SCOPE IT like an EPICC GAMER(™)
“This game changed my entire life before it i had a respectable job and family now im a leet gamer gettin 480 headshoots no scope blaze it every day. 10/10” - this could be u!!!

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