Hooptown Hero
发布时间:2025-03-01 00:37:47

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Hooptown Hero
Hooptown Hero is a 3v3 ROGUELIKE ARCADE BASKETBALL game.
Hooptown is a small midwestern city that lives and breathes basketball. Each year the residents of Hooptown come together to participate in 3 separate basketball leagues. Teams are sponsored by local Hooptown businesses. Your weird Uncle Bill has a habit of starting a new business each year with hopes of someday sponsoring a Hooptown Hero. Will this be your year?
Hooptown is a small midwestern city that lives and breathes basketball. Each year the residents of Hooptown come together to participate in 3 separate basketball leagues. Teams are sponsored by local Hooptown businesses. Your weird Uncle Bill has a habit of starting a new business each year with hopes of someday sponsoring a Hooptown Hero. Will this be your year?
- Compete in 3 unique leagues each to become CITY CHAMPION
- Play well to generate CLUTCH that is used for Hooptown CRITICAL HITS
- Directly control your teammates or call quick plays
- Impress the crowd and participate in shooting contests to earn HOOP COINS
- Spend hoop coins at the Hooptown General Store to improve your player
- Give high fives

- Unlock and equip new abilities and sick basketball moves like hook shots
- Equip powerful artifacts found in the dumpsters of Hooptown
- Improve your player attributes to become harder, better, faster, or stronger
- Unlock additional player positions with unique strengths and weaknesses
- Spend completely legal sponsor bucks between seasons on persistent player upgrades


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