SpikerMan X
发布时间:2025-03-01 00:51:38

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SpikerMan X
The evil alien lizard Kromatone has returned to try and take over the galaxy! And he’s brought several of his former partners in crime to help him succeed! It’s up to SpikerMan to defeat all the crime bosses and defeat Kromatone himself before he takes over everything!
Take control of SpikerMan and blast your way through 8 levels of jump and shoot gameplay as you try to bring down the galactic criminals and stop the Kromasomes from conquering the galaxy!
Defeat Bosses and gain new weapon abilities to mow down enemies! Find the weak points to the bosses to bring them down faster! When all the bosses are defeated, go after Kromatone and take down his empire once and for all!
Take control of SpikerMan and blast your way through 8 levels of jump and shoot gameplay as you try to bring down the galactic criminals and stop the Kromasomes from conquering the galaxy!
Defeat Bosses and gain new weapon abilities to mow down enemies! Find the weak points to the bosses to bring them down faster! When all the bosses are defeated, go after Kromatone and take down his empire once and for all!

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