Misericorde Volume Two: White Wool & Snow
发布时间:2025-03-01 00:55:07

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Misericorde Volume Two: White Wool & Snow
Sister Hedwig is having a bad time.
It wasn't long ago that the Mother Superior dragged her out of her cell, forcing Hedwig to break her oath to God as an Anchoress and face the outside world. Acting as a spy for the leader of Linbarrow Abbey, Hedwig was given one seemingly simple task: Discover who really murdered Sister Catherine.
Hedwig has tried her best, but she is no closer to solving the mystery. Things just keep getting more and more complicated: Why can't any of the Sisters give her a straight answer about what happened the night of the murder? Who--or what--is the mysterious figure that haunts the abbey? And just who was Sister Catherine?
In White Wool & Snow, Sister Hedwig must steel herself. Time is running out, and so is sympathy for her situation. It's understandable that being thrust into the waking world after a life of quiet reflection as an anchoress would require some adjustment, but if Hedwig wants to save an innocent man she will have to get serious fast. Can she navigate increasingly difficult social situations, maintain her cover, and make the progress the Superior demands?
White Wool & Snow is a kinetic visual novel.

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