The Test: Reality Check
发布时间:2025-03-01 02:15:10

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The Test: Reality Check
(This game, as well as many others in our bundle, is FANTASTIC for Youtubers & Streamers to create content, engage with their audience, & allow their audience to better get to know them through answering a series of questions about the content creator! This creates a unique experience for all parties involved, and players playing the game themselves can enjoy the solo experience tremendously all on their own as well!)

The Test: Reality Check is one of multiple installments in an ongoing social experiment that can be classified as an atmospheric, psychological-simulation with horror elements. Dive into your own psyche and get answers to questions you've kept hidden deep, down inside. Unlock your mind in ways never done before and experience new found knowledge simply by taking, "The Test: Reality Check."
You will answer a series of questions that will reveal things from deep within. These questions may make you uncomfortable, but with great knowledge comes great sacrifice. Can you make it all the way through The Test: Reality Check, and if you do, are you sure you want the answers you seek?

The Test: Reality Check
The Test: Reality Check is one of multiple installments in an ongoing social experiment that can be classified as an atmospheric, psychological-simulation with horror elements. Dive into your own psyche and get answers to questions you've kept hidden deep, down inside. Unlock your mind in ways never done before and experience new found knowledge simply by taking, "The Test: Reality Check."
You will answer a series of questions that will reveal things from deep within. These questions may make you uncomfortable, but with great knowledge comes great sacrifice. Can you make it all the way through The Test: Reality Check, and if you do, are you sure you want the answers you seek?

- Short and sweet
- The only game series of its kind
- Very psychological
- Sit back, relax, and answer Yes or No questions to reveal hidden truths.
- Super affordable for a unique experience

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