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上次测试日期 3日内
监狱之城 PrisonCity游戏截图 1
监狱之城 PrisonCity游戏封面
监狱之城 PrisonCity视频预览
监狱之城 PrisonCity预览图 1
监狱之城 PrisonCity游戏封面


  1. 必须先关闭杀毒,先打开游戏再运行修改器,否则修改器无法识别游戏
  2. 进入游戏后开启对应功能,如因游戏更新失效请查看售后流程

监狱之城 PrisonCity修改器



1. 进入"请求更新"频道
2. 发表需要申请修复更新的修改器
3. 等待审核通过,获取技术部联系方式
4. 提供正版steam游戏账号用于获取最新游戏本体
5. 修复完成后会推送更新到您的修改器



Prison City

is an action-packed side-scrolling shooter where players use chakrams and grenades to battle through various levels, defeat bosses, and uncover hidden upgrades. The game features customizable gameplay and difficulty, a "Boss Rush" mode for players to compete for the best time, and an excellent retro soundtrack by Raddland Studios.

监狱之城 PrisonCity修改器 - 详细说明图片80s and 90s ACTION MOVIE & GAME REFERENCESPrison City is packed with nods and homages to classic action movies and games from the 80s and 90s, including iconic one-liners, memorable characters, and familiar gameplay mechanics. Fans of the action genre will feel right at home.

监狱之城 PrisonCity修改器 - 详细说明图片FIGHT YOUR WAY ACROSS AN ENTIRE CITYPlayers will fight their way across an entire city, grappling through 8+ level zones, like a Freeway, a Factory, and a Nature Preserve. Each zone presents its own unique challenges, from environmental hazards to powerful bosses that will put your skills to the test.

监狱之城 PrisonCity修改器 - 详细说明图片FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE... IN THE FAR OFF YEAR OF 1997The crime-ridden and crumbling city of Detroit was evacuated in 1995 and became an impenetrable mega-prison. In the present-day (of 1997) an evil group has infiltrated and seized control. Former cop Hal Bruzer is called back from retirement by his mentor, "The Chief," to take down the "Techno-Terrorists" and their appointed Wardens... to hopefully, bring the 'spirit' of Detroit back!!

监狱之城 PrisonCity修改器 - 详细说明图片